Home » cookies » (Ultra Buttery!) Keto Snowball Cookies ❄️

(Ultra Buttery!) Keto Snowball Cookies ❄️

Ultra buttery and bursting with flavor, these keto snowball cookies are dreamy melt-in-your-mouth delights!

Rolling keto snowball cookies in powdered sweetener
Gluten Free & Keto Snowball Cookies

Gluten Free & Keto Snowball Cookies

With Toasted Pecan (‘N Almonds!)

These might just be the cookies with a thousand names (Russian tea cakes, Mexican wedding cookies, polvorones, snowball cookies…)!

And their actual origins are very much muddled throughout history. With an almond version found in Russia, to a pecan one (with a light cinnamon sprinkle) hailing form Mexico.

And while we already have a keto Mexican wedding cookie recipe on the site, I’ve found American snowball cookies to be slightly different. As while their Mexican counterparts are incredibly delicate and crumble instantly (as their names suggests!), this version is much more moist and will hold their round shape upon baking.

Whichever version you decide to whip up, expect melt-in-your mouth and totally aromatic cookies!

Dusting keto snowball cookies with powdered sweetener
Gluten Free & Keto Snowball Cookies

The Flours

Snowball cookies are traditionally a wheat cookie, with either pecans (the Mexican version) or almonds (the Russian version) thrown into the mix. So to make them gluten free and keto, I cooked up a version of the two and use both almond flour and finely ground pecans (i.e. pecan flour)… and a touch of coconut flour.

And you (absolutely!!) must toast the nut flours beforehand, something which is missing from most mainstream versions. This is, in my book, the thing that takes these keto snowball cookies to a whole other level. You’ll know what I mean the moment you mix the flours with the butter.

In terms of brands, for the almond either Anthony’s or WellBees work great. Both are super fine grinds. And for the coconut, I always favor Anthony’s (best taste by a mile!).

Gluten free and keto snowball cookies with toasted pecans
Gluten Free & Keto Snowball Cookies

The Sweetener

The toasting of the nuts gives such an intense flavor that most of aftertaste from keto sweeteners is masked (or at least greatly diminished!). So you’ve got a few options, just note that each sweetener will likely give you varying results in terms of texture.

Think erythritol (a very slight cooling aftertaste, but best texture and no spreading… I like Lakanto’s monkfruit blend best), and xylitol or allulose (no aftertaste, but some potential spreading).

But the sweeteners must be powdered.

So get your blender out, make sure it’s completely dry, and process your sweetener of choice until powdered. Just make sure you wait a few moments for the dust to settle before opening the blender or food processor.

And if using xylitol, make sure to be careful if you have a pup around the house, as it’s highly toxic to the little guys! 🐕

How much sweetener? Snowball cookies are traditionally very lightly sweetened to accommodate a generous powdered sugar coating. The original version calls for 1/4 cup for the cookies themselves and 3/4 cup for the coating, to give you an idea of the exorbitant ratios.

Gluten Free & Keto Snowball Cookies
Piled up gluten free and keto snowball cookies
Gluten Free & Keto Snowball Cookies

Rolling keto snowball cookies in powdered sweetener

(Ultra Buttery!) Keto Snowball Cookies

Ultra buttery and bursting with flavor, these keto snowball cookies are dreamy melt-in-your-mouth delights!
Oh, and if baking with cups rather than grams is your thing, just click on US Cups for an instant conversion.
4.91 from 10 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Chilling Time 1 hour
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Cookies, Dessert
Cuisine American, Keto
Servings 20 cookies
Calories 103 kcal


For the powdered 'sugar' coating


  • Add pecans to a food processor and process until finely ground, being careful you don't over-blend or you'll end up with pecan butter!
  • Add pecan flour and almond flour to a skillet or pan, and toast over medium heat until golden and fragrant (3-6 minutes). Remove from pan aand set aside to cool completely (very important!). Whisk in the coconut flour, xanthan gum and salt, set aside. 
  • Cream butter in a large bowl with an electric mixer, 2 minutes. Add in sweetener and continue to beat until light and fluffy (7-8 minutes). Add in vanilla extract and egg, beating until just combined. 
  • With your mixer on low, add in half of your nut flour mixture- mixing until just incorporated. Mix in the rest. Wrap cookie dough with cling film (saran wrap) and refrigerate for at least an hour (and up to 3 days).
  • Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  • Divide dough into either 20 rounds. Place shaped cookie rounds on the prepared baking tray and place in the freezer for 15 minutes prior to baking.
  • Bake for 9-11 minutes. The cookies will be barely golden and still appear largely uncooked (worry not!). Sieve a touch of powdered sweetener with cinnamon on top immediately (it'll dissolve into the warm cookies).
  • Allow to cool completely before rolling in more powdered sweetener. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.  


*Please see section on Sweeteners for more deets on powdering and sweetening options.
The shaped dough can be frozen for up to 3 months, and they can be baked straight from the freezer (adding 2-3 minutes more to the baking time).
And if using xylitol, make sure to be careful if you have a pup around the house, as it’s highly toxic to the little guys! 


Serving: 1cookie | Calories: 103kcal | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 20mg | Sodium: 75mg | Potassium: 24mg | Fiber: 1g | Vitamin A: 155IU | Vitamin C: 0.1mg | Calcium: 13mg | Iron: 0.3mg
Keyword gluten free snowball cookies, keto snowball cookies
Whip up this recipe?Comment below or drop me a line @gnomgnom._ and tag #gnomgnomyum!


  1. Dustin says:

    5 stars
    So extremely delicious! I’m new to cooking and your instructions were super helpful. I will definitely be coming back and making this again. Thanks u so much.

  2. Roberta says:

    Paula, please… I need to convert this recipe without coconut flour… could you help me, even if it won’t be the same, to get something almost similar omitting coconut flour and using something else instead? Oat-fiber (not oat-bran), gluten-free of course, or psyllium husk, or what…? Thank you if you’ll give me some inspiration to experiment 😉

  3. Carissa Pavlica says:

    I really want to make this recipe, but I cannot figure out if I’m right with grams to cups conversion. This chart seems… off?? There’s not even a full cup of any kind of flour? Is that right?

    grams to cups
    g cup
    10 0.0496
    20 0.0992
    30 0.1488
    40 0.1984
    50 0.248
    60 0.2976
    70 0.3472
    80 0.3968
    90 0.4464
    100 0.496
    110 0.5456
    120 0.5952
    130 0.6449
    140 0.6945
    150 0.7441
    160 0.7937
    170 0.8433
    180 0.8929
    190 0.9425
    200 0.9921

  4. Sydney Lee says:

    Oh help!!!! I goofed and just poured 2/3 c coconut flour into my cup of finely ground pecans into the skillet and just realized it should have been 2/3 c almond flour in the skillet with the pecan ground mix! I can’t throw this away. The ingredients are too expensive. Can you suggest what I can do to still make this yummy recipe using this mix? Thank you! We love your recipes! I guess I’ve been at it too long today.

  5. Nursetss says:

    5 stars
    Paola- I hope you never stop creating keto recipes. I have tried multiple foods from your site & everything is absolutely delicious. There was only one thing I tried that I didnt care for but that was due to my error in making it. I just made your mexican wedding cookies & I dont even have the words to describe how great they really are. Looking forward to trying these. My mom always made mexican wedding cookies every Christmas along with other cookies/candies & they were always my favorite. Went keto in January of 2018 & havent had one since until now. Texture isn’t quite the same but I dont care because the taste is spot on & that’s all that matters. Thank you so much for creating these wonderful recipes for all of is to enjoy. You’re truly a gem!! Happy Holidays😘

  6. Elizabeth Gregory says:

    Am confused over direction #6. The first sentence says “Divide dough into either 20 rounds.” What do you mean? Sentences such as this usually say EITHER………OR. Did you omit something when typing?
    Am at the first.refrigeration step now and would love to know the option (OR) if there is one.
    Thanks in advance for your reply!

  7. Beth R. says:

    I made these last night for our employee birthday celebration. I was worried they may not let me bring in treats again…but to my surprise, everyone loved them, even after saying they were grain and sugar free! Only 4 were left after I saw a co-worker sneaking 3 to a plate for later! They definitely do not have the same texture of a Mexican Wedding Cake, but I did not expect them to. They still have the essentials, butter, pecans and powdered sweetener. Mexican Wedding Cakes are my all-time favorite holiday cookie, so thrilled to have a version I can enjoy!

    • Paola says:

      Hi Beth! I’ve found that snowball cookies, Mexican wedding cakes etc can vary a lot in texture… if you’re looking for a more crumbly cookie check out the actual ‘Mexican wedding cakes’ on the site 😉 xo!

  8. shereen de rousseau says:

    4 stars
    Just made these this morning
    Taste amazing!!! BUT mine all flattened out. What did I do wrong? I followed directions ( I think??) anyway the taste is fabulous

  9. Angela says:

    I am new to all of this. Already gluten free since 2010 now I am avoiding sugar like the plague. So where do you purchase all thes alternate sugar products.

  10. Nina says:

    5 stars
    I’m dying to get my hands on the perfect keto/low carb Christmas cookie. Please, please, pretty PUH-LEESE could you make one for the Christmas season?? They are my all time favorite cookies (you know the flat shaped ones with sugar sprinkles on top). I would worship you forever if you did.
    – Much love. From a dying woman (not literally just within my mouth).

    • Paola says:

      Oh maaaan! I might let you down on this one 🙈… though not for lack of trying! The thing with sugar cookies is that it’s the actual sugar (with the butter etc) that gives its loveliness. And tbh all I could taste in trials was the cooling from the erythritol. And since I’ve vowed to never give a recipe which makes you miss the traditional version even more… we likely won’t have sugar cookies this year yet (but I’ll keep trying!) xo!

  11. Holly says:

    5 stars
    Paola, I can’t decide between these and you’re Mexican wedding cake/cookies. They both look awesome and are a little different ingredient wise. Can you tell me in a few words the difference taste or texture wise btwn the two so I can decide which to make for what we want? We do like things a touch sweeter since we’re paleo but also trying to avoid high carb sweets like coconut sugar, honey etc..

    I’ve made several of your cookie (and other) recipes so far and NONE of them disappoint. Everything has been Absolutely delicious! Rock on girl! 🤗

    • Paola says:

      Holly how wonderful to hear you’ve enjoyed the previous cookie recipes! OK so they essentially taste the same, but the Mexican wedding cookies are extra crumbly (like the traditional Mexican version called polvorones)- so those are softer and more delicate texture wise. Perhaps even more melt-in-your-mouth?

      This new version (with the added egg, coconut flour etc) makes them a little bit sturdier and extra moist- so more like actual snowball cookies… but maybe a little bit more moist, so they won’t go dry on you (even after a week ;)!).

      Either version is excellent though tbh, just a texture preference!

  12. stacey cooper says:

    5 stars
    CHRISTMAS IS SAVED!!! I’ve never left a comment for a recipe in my life!!! And I cannot believe I’m saying this, but these are surely better than the traditional snowballs!!!! my gawwwwwd they’re good how can we do 10 stars instead of 5???!!!

  13. Joanne says:

    I’m not sure I understand the end of the recipe where it says to sprinkle with a “little” sweetener and cinnamon. The cookies pictures look like they are loaded with some kind of white powdered sugar like substance. Is that all xylitol????

    • Paola says:

      Mmmm so you sprinkle o roll them in powdered sweetener Joanne… just like regular snowballs. It’s all explained in the post, even how to powder your sweetener and options that you can use. Xylitol or allulose will likely give you the least aftertaste, but I just rolled them in powdered Lakanto myself and was barely bothered by a slight cooling. xo!

      p.s. I removed your 1 star rating because… really? You haven’t even made the recipe (AND it’s all explained in the post) 😉

    • Paola says:

      p.s. 2 the full instructions actually give you two steps for adding the sweetener:

      Sieve a touch of powdered sweetener with cinnamon on top immediately (it’ll dissolve into the warm cookies).

      Allow to cool completely before rolling in more powdered sweetener. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

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