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Suuuper Comforting Chicken Pot Pie 🐓 gluten free & keto

More Chicken Goodies 🐓


  1. Kathy Cooke says:

    5 stars
    Oh my gawd, this was so good! I only used 8 oz of baby bella mushrooms, as that was all I had, 1/2 cup of sour cream, and I used the leftover chopped chicken from the roast chicken recipe and only had 2/3 of the recommended amount. I added two, grated zucchini to make up for the missing chicken and mushrooms, and threw it in at the same time as the mushrooms and thyme. Still amazing! And the crust was super flaky and delicious, although a little finicky to work with. I used syrah wine, a dry white wine, and homemade chicken bone broth, and I skipped the konjac thickener. I’m not sure why you have to wait for the filling to cool before putting on the crust and baking. Maybe to keep the butter in the crust from melting before baking? I only let the pie rest for five minutes after a 28- minute bake time, as we were hungry, and it was no problem. I would definitely make this again, but I think fewer people have made this recipe, because it takes such a long time to get on the table. It took me 3.5 hours altogether to make the crust then filling, wait for the crust to chill and the filling to cool, bake, then let sit before cutting. Granted, I am a slow chopper; need to take a knife skills class. Next time I might try adding in the additional half-cup of sour cream and extra 8 oz of mushrooms, I think I’d still keep one grated zucchini, and I’d double the garlic and thyme, as I really love both. Great recipe! Paola is very talented.

  2. Susan Lecerf says:

    5 stars
    Just made this! My fav comfort food is Chicken Pot Pie, so when I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it! I’ve never been a baker, so it’s all new to me. The dough came out perfectly!! However, I think I made a BIG mistake. I doubled the recipe because I wanted crust on bottom as well as on top. I didn’t pre bake the bottom!! Did I goof??? The top looks fab and can’t wait to taste it. Btw, the filling (your recipe masala version) is soooo damn good I couldn’t stop eating it!! Thank you!

    • Paola says:

      NICE! I’m working on a radish filling too, but my experience so far is that you must cook them A LOT first so they taste like ‘potatoes’. Still not coming out perfect! But great to hear you’ve been enjoying the pie crust Stella!

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