Comments on: Unbelievable Maple Bacon Scones 🍁🥓 gluten free, keto & paleo always gluten free & keto 🍓 Tue, 17 Mar 2020 22:27:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Suzy Tue, 17 Mar 2020 22:27:10 +0000 I have a question about the temperature. Mine statred to blacken at the edges 5 minutes into cooking. I tried tenting them with foil, but they still came out burnt. I did test my oven and it is accurate. and I don’t have this problem with other recipes, regular or keto. My oven is convection, and I set it to 425 for the correction. Can lower the temp? Or perhaps not brush with butter?

By: Suzy Tue, 17 Mar 2020 22:21:34 +0000 In reply to Paola.

The vinegar is listed in 2 separate places, once in the parentheses and then once as an individual ingredient. So, it looks like even if you choose sour cream you still add 1TBSP of vinegar. Is this in fact the case?

By: Judith Tue, 12 Nov 2019 21:14:16 +0000 Question on your scone recipes:
(1) Can I use Whey protein concentrate instead of isolate?
(2) can I use whole fat yogurt instead of sour cream?

Thx! I love your site n recipes!

By: Anne reilly Thu, 29 Aug 2019 08:54:52 +0000 Hi, I dont have maple extract, can I use pure maple syrup instead? And if so what quantity?


By: Kelly Mon, 01 Jul 2019 15:36:58 +0000 5 stars
These were SO amazing! And easy to make! I was a little worried when I started making them because I’m a terrible baker (even worse when it comes to Keto baking) and I doubled the recipe, so I was really worried my food processor wasn’t going to hold everything. But they turned out great! And I LOVE how you explain everything in detail…super helpful for us non-bakers who don’t know what we’re doing. I do think I mixed the butter in a little too much. It went from really big clumps of butter, to…well I just didn’t ever see the pea-sized butter. Perhaps I had too much in my food processor? Also, they did seem a little under baked on the inside. I’ve heard this is typical for keto baking? Perhaps it was because I used regular flax meal (I didn’t have the golden version)? Either way, these turned out great and will only be even better the next time I make them. Thanks for this recipe!!

By: Holly Tue, 23 Oct 2018 18:59:10 +0000 please help! Thanks so much]]> 5 stars
Paola, I clicked on your link and read all about the Isopure whey isolate but I still can’t get a clear answer on this. I have been reading your entire website for a week now (I’m hooked!) and I just bought your summer e-book which I’m so excited about! Anyways, I need clarification on whether or not whey protein isolate contains casein for those of us that are sensitive to dairy. I read in some of your comments that you are sensitive to dairy so I’m thinking it does not but whey is from milk so….need some help please. After reading alot of your comments here there doesn’t appear to be a good substitute for that ingredients if it does contain casein or lactose….? I want to make your bread recipes 😞 please help! Thanks so much

By: Josie Sun, 14 Oct 2018 00:50:42 +0000 First off, I LOVE your site. You are a genius when it comes to Paleo/Keto baked goods!

This recipe looks tantalizing! Do you know if whey protein can be subbed with hydrolyzed protein?


By: Paola Thu, 27 Sep 2018 01:57:54 +0000 In reply to Lili.

Thats awesome to hear Lili! And I get you on the ingredient lists, but it’s mostly for the more ‘bready’ recipes. The thing is that not one keto flour alone will give you the optimal results (similar to if you read the ingredients in gluten free mixes they likely have 5-9). xo and thanks so much for your support!

By: Lili Thu, 27 Sep 2018 01:52:41 +0000 5 stars
I made these and they turned out to be sooo yummy didn’t do the Beacon glaze instead i throw blueberry in it. U make great recipes but i notice there are sooo many ingredient u use is there a reason?
Thank u again i got your recipe ebook too and lots of great recipes there.

By: Cheryl P Tue, 18 Sep 2018 09:43:58 +0000 Thank you so much for your recipes, Paola! Made these tonight but without the glaze and bacon, because your scone recipe is my fav just plain. 🙂 The recipe as written is a little moist for my taste, so I cut back on the flax meal to 50 grams, and add 1 tsp oat fiber (I know not everyone can use it). They turn out perfectly, just like flour scones! I get 8 good size scones normally, but this time I used an ice cream scoop to make smaller “biscuits”, and ended up with 10, which means very low carb! 🙂
