Comments on: Suuuper-Quick Traditional Marinara Sauce 🍅 keto, paleo & whole30 always gluten free & keto 🍓 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 05:14:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Esmeralda Mon, 28 Feb 2022 05:14:17 +0000 3 stars
This was a delicious marinara sauce. I used fresh peeled tomatoes, crushed the garlic with salt and added more oregano n chilli flakes and a tad bit of coconut sugar. Absolutely delicious, it will be my forever marinara sauce.
The fresh basil really added taste and aroma. Thank you so much then again all your recipes are great.

By: Paola van der Hulst Wed, 04 Aug 2021 02:07:03 +0000 In reply to Dieter.

I’m sorry, but keto doesn’t mean zero carbs. Keto is in fact short for ketosis, a metabolic state that arises from either limiting your carb intake or fasting. xo!

By: Dieter Sat, 31 Jul 2021 18:55:05 +0000 In reply to Paola van der Hulst.

Keto means zero carbs. Tomatoes are ALL carbs. The closest you can come to keto on this type of thing is net-zero, which would mean adding fiber to balance the natural carbs in the tomatoes. This recipe could at least try to be net-zero and claim the title “keto” but without even trying to balance, the label is a farce.
The best way to be keto in this situation is to avoid tomato altogether and go with a cream-based pizza sauce instead.

By: Paola van der Hulst Fri, 19 Feb 2021 18:51:15 +0000 In reply to Mark.

Mark… if you take the time to read, you will see that the nutrition facts are calculated for the *entire* batch (so it will be a couple grams of carbs a serving!) 😉

And the reason why there is sugar in the nutrition facts is because tomatoes are in fact a fruit and naturally have sugar. Any marinara sauce out there will have some carbs!

By: Mark Fri, 19 Feb 2021 18:48:32 +0000 In reply to Paola van der Hulst.

The reason this recipe isn’t keto is because you can’t eat any sugar (only “sugar alcohols”) on the keto diet. This recipe, as it shows in the Nutrition Facts, has 30g of sugar. That’s 30g more than you can eat on a keto diet. AT MOST, keto recipes might have between 1-3g sugar per serving. This recipe may as well be a recipe for a candy bar.

By: Paola van der Hulst Fri, 19 Feb 2021 17:44:06 +0000 In reply to SickOfBS.

Lol I’m not sure what you expect me to do… traditional Italian marinara is naturally keto (as stated!). I’m simply giving you a terrific version of it 🙂

By: SickOfBS Thu, 04 Feb 2021 16:10:14 +0000 Look don’t bait us into reading the recipe by calling it ‘Keto’ asswipe. There’s nothing ‘Keto’ about this just your garden variety marinara recipe.

By: Lindsey Tue, 18 Aug 2020 14:15:50 +0000 Hi there! I have so many tomatoes in my yard right now, I’m dying to make this. I’m a novice cook though and I’m wondering if I’m using fresh tomatoes about how many would I need? Thanks so much!

By: Kimberly Mon, 18 May 2020 03:55:30 +0000 5 stars
Truly a fantastic recipe find! I used canned crushed tomatoes and only half a cup of water and it was perfect! You’d never know it didn’t have real parmesan cheese! My husband even said it was “really good” three times during our meal! It’s a keeper! Thank you!

By: Khrystyne Sun, 03 May 2020 20:29:14 +0000 5 stars
Thank you Paola. This recipe really made me feel like I’m a great cook haha. I had to simmer mine for way longer than 15 minutes but the outcome was delicious. Next time I think I’ll add less water.
