Comments on: Unbelievable Low Carb (& Sugar Free!) Caramel Popcorn 🍿 always gluten free & keto 🍓 Sun, 13 Nov 2022 03:32:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Wertman Tue, 21 Dec 2021 19:03:23 +0000 5 stars
Can’t say enough good things about this recipe I’ve made Paola’s fabulous caramel before (big fan of her sticky bun recipe) and I’ve certainly made popcorn. Putting them together was magic. Popcorn was something I’d all but relegated to a very rare treat- in part because as my favorite snack, it was hard to stop eating it! The great things with this recipe is that the richness of the caramel is a game changer.The 1 cup serving is 100% satisfying and totally filled me up, instead of that urge with the regular buttered stuff to eat the whole bowl.

I also have to share this cool, crisping hack. After a day or so, the caramel covered corn naturally gets a little soggy. I decided to experiment using my airfryer (have a combo toaster oven version that’s fabulous.). I spread the coated popcorn in one layer and put it in the airfryer for about 3 minutes watching carefully so it wouldn’t burn. In just a few moments – presto! The popcorn had dried out nicely and the caramel coating actually adhered to the corn more like a glaze. The end product resulted in some slight shrinking but a great texture- a little like Cracker Jack. So – either fresh the same day or the air fryer trick, this is going to be a staple treat. Popcorn back in my life? Nice holiday gift. Thanks Paola!

By: Paola van der Hulst Thu, 16 Dec 2021 04:14:54 +0000 In reply to Sam.

Oh Sam, that’s just because the nutrition softwares count the ‘carbs’ from the keto sweeteners as actual carbs! Remember that because they’re not metabolized by your body, you need to substract them as you do fiber (that’s why keto bloggers just leave them out!). I hope this helps and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed reading through the blog 😉

By: Sam Wed, 15 Dec 2021 20:10:59 +0000 4 stars
I really enjoy reading your creative low carb recipes but I’ve tried 3 different nutritional counters and never get the “Low Carb” count you identify on your webpage. I was craving caramel popcorn but your 4.5-6 grams depending on how you tweak your recipe always works out 18-22 grams per serving.

By: Bina Tue, 14 Dec 2021 15:55:57 +0000 In reply to Paola van der Hulst.

Yes, for some reason Allulose just gives me wicked digestive issues. Also all the insoluble fiber that’s in a lot of keto treats like quest bars. Not worth being stuck at home for a treat. You have peaked my curiosity about the popcorn thing though because it was one of the hardest things to give up.

By: Jane Elkin Tue, 14 Dec 2021 04:15:51 +0000 5 stars
Ummmmm whoa!!!! So I made half a batch earlier, and while the taste was spot on it definitely wasn’t crisp. Maybe very lightly crisp. But I just went back for seconds after dinner and oh surprise!!! It has crisped up significantly?!! HOW? WHY?!! I left some to try tomorrow morning, I’ll report back.

You really are the keto wizard Miss Paola!!!

By: Paola van der Hulst Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:32:08 +0000 👏🏼👏🏼]]> In reply to Helen G.


By: Paola van der Hulst Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:29:31 +0000 In reply to Paola van der Hulst.


By: Paola van der Hulst Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:29:20 +0000 I’m going to have to try it myself now! But do note that you’ll get a bit of a cooling aftertaste (you know!), rather than the clean taste with allulose. Xo and I’m so happy to hear you’ve enjoyed!!]]> In reply to Valerie White.

Hi Valierie! You know I would’ve said absolutely no one hour ago (as erythritol such as Lakanto gives you crunchy caramel….), but one of you guys sent me a picture on Instagram that the crunchiness actually works in favor here as it makes the caramel popcorn super crisp? 🕵🏻‍♂️

I’m going to have to try it myself now! But do note that you’ll get a bit of a cooling aftertaste (you know!), rather than the clean taste with allulose. Xo and I’m so happy to hear you’ve enjoyed!!

By: Paola van der Hulst Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:26:30 +0000 In reply to Visuary Eltan.

I’m just going to say this: real flavor comes from fat and seasoning (butter and salt), both of which are keto… so not sure where you’re getting with your comment (I mean, cheese is low carb too? Cheese popcorn would literally be the easiest thing to healthy-fy? So I invite you to do more research).

This is why when they make things fat-free they need to add a tone of sugar: to sub for the loss of *real* flavor.

So welcome to gnom-gnom 😉

p.s. I dare you to actually try it and be proven wrong.

p.s 2 I took the liberty of removing your mean spirited 1 star review

By: Valerie White Tue, 14 Dec 2021 02:57:56 +0000 Hi Paola,

I love your recipes! I’m going to try this one and add nuts to it to decrease the carb count per cup. I was wondering if I could make the caramel with erythritol/monk fruit blend?
