Comments on: Oh-So-Tender Lemon Blackberry Scones 🍋 gluten free, keto & paleo always gluten free & keto 🍓 Sat, 05 Sep 2020 22:20:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Cooke Sat, 05 Sep 2020 22:20:30 +0000 5 stars
Excellent! Very light and fluffy! I made mine dairy free (except for the whey protein isolate). The dough was pretty wet rather than shaggy and was a little difficult to separate into the pieces on the baking tray. I may have overpulsed the processor when adding the coconut oil, which I would put in the fridge to harden it up more next time. I used a spatula to lift/push the pieces around and reshaped with my fingers. Anyway, they tasted wonderful, and the lemon glaze added a lot of flavor. I used the upper amounts of erythritol, which was perfect. I baked for 15 minutes, and they were already pretty brown, so I took them out. So keep an eye on them. Other reviewers mentioned that they burned theirs at 450F, and that they had more success baking them at 350F, and I think I agree. One more minute, and mine would’ve started to char. Also, they spread out horizontally a fair amount when baking so they were touching each other again, which surprised me, but made no difference in the end. Really good!

By: Claudia Thu, 20 Aug 2020 14:25:35 +0000 These we AMAZING. I used honey, stevia and coconut sugar because im not keto. I also used phsylium husk, which really kept things together and replaced the egg with baking powder and vinegar. Just delcious. I think the key to the recipe is the cold butter blended throughout.

By: Anetka Tue, 28 Jul 2020 21:22:57 +0000 Is there one or two tablespoons apple cider vinegar in this recipe? One with sour cream and one more on its own?

By: Sierra Sat, 02 May 2020 22:57:49 +0000 5 stars
How does every single thing I bake from this Gnom Gnom turn out so good?? These scones were DELICIOUS; I just love how they weren’t too sweet and the lemon glaze adds a perfect touch! I ate 2 in a row with whipped cream on top whoops they’re just too good! I think this recipe is supposed to say 350 Degrees NOT 450. I baked them at 350 for 14 minutes and they turned out perfect, even a little burnt on the bottom so 450 would be way too high and would likely burn the scones quickly because almond flour burns easier!

By: Susan Sat, 11 Apr 2020 21:03:01 +0000 In reply to colleen l.

I agree! Fortunately I read your comment when i still had 4 mins left on the timer. Pulled them out immediately. Still burnt but edible. Face-palm! Read comments first!

By: krys Sun, 09 Feb 2020 22:36:48 +0000 In reply to colleen l.

They are substitutions listed for both the butter and whey protein.

By: colleen l Sat, 01 Feb 2020 12:32:30 +0000 I am curious as to how you consider these to be paleo with all the dairy. Whey protein?

By: Elizabeth Rosenzweig Thu, 22 Aug 2019 11:44:15 +0000 5 stars
In reply to Kristy.

I really liked this recipe! I’m used to scones being harder and a bit drier, but these were more like a really thick, moist cookie. The flavor is absolutely delicious.

Changes I made:

– Used Lily’s chips as the mix-in instead of berries.
– Sifted my almond flour. I wanted to eliminate any larger pieces or stuck-together bits.
– Omitted the unflavored whey protein. Didn’t have any.
– Used Truvia instead of straight erythritol. Again, it was what I could find at the store.
– Used lard instead of butter. Lard gives baked goods more flakiness and a shorter crumb than butter, and a less rich flavor, all of which was what I was going for.
– Baked at 400, not 450. I was worried about the coconut flour burning.

I also accidentally rested the dough for a bit after I cut the lard into the dry ingredients (as in, I got interrupted so I stuck the bowl in the fridge and came back a couple of hours later).

This is definitely a keeper recipe! I’m looking forward to trying it with the berries and glaze.

By: paula coomer Wed, 10 Jul 2019 23:10:31 +0000 I think the 450 degrees is way too high. I just burned a double-batch almost beyond salvaging.

By: Karen Olayo Sun, 07 Jul 2019 20:52:41 +0000 ]]> Hello! I’d like to know if these are dense like American scones or more like English scones, biscuit-like? I looked through the comments but couldn’t find my answer. Thanks! Love your recipes. Y quisiera saber dĂłnde encuentras tus ingredientes en la ciudad de MĂ©xico. Tal vez mudamos allĂ­ en un año y no quiero dejar de keto-vida. 😘
