Home Β» fish Β» (Unbelievable!) Keto Fish & ‘Chips’ 🐟🍟 gluten free

(Unbelievable!) Keto Fish & ‘Chips’ 🐟🍟 gluten free

Crisp, flaky and comforting-to-boot; we’re talking gluten free & keto fish and chips! This low carb version of the British classic is easy to whip up and will surely have you coming back for more (and more!).

Squeezing lemon onto Keto fish and chips
Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips

Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips

Crisp ‘N Flaky 🐟🍟

Fish and chips might just be the ultimate British comfort food.Β I had the utter pleasure (aside from the rain!) of living in the UK for 7 years. And let me tell you that during my student years, there were quite a few late night fish ‘n chip meals (think ultimate hangover food right here! 😜).

And while the original version involves a full-on batter with beer and all, this keto version is delicious in it’s own right and even easier to get right. Perfect for an easy, yet super comforting keto meal!

I did leave out the mushy peas (British peeps, don’t hate!). But I’m sure that if you play with your macros a bit, you could surely fit it in!

But jicama fries are an absolute no-brainer (I’m obsessed!), as is a batch of 5-minute homemade mayo!

Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #glutenfree #healthyrecipes #fishandchips
Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #glutenfree #healthyrecipes #fishandchips
Low Carb, Paleo & Keto Jicama Fries #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #dairyfree #glutenfree #paleo #healthyrecipes #fries #jicama
Low Carb, Paleo & Keto Jicama Fries #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #dairyfree #glutenfree #paleo #healthyrecipes #fries #jicama
Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #glutenfree #healthyrecipes #fishandchips
Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #glutenfree #healthyrecipes #fishandchips

Gluten Free & Keto Fish And Chips #keto #ketorecipes #lowcarb #glutenfree #healthyrecipes #fishandchips

(Unbelievable!) Keto Fish And Chips

Crisp, flaky and comforting-to-boot; we're talking gluten free & keto fish and chips! This low carb version of the British classic is easy to whip up and will surely have you coming back for more (and more!).Β 
4.84 from 12 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Marinating Time 2 hours
Course Main
Cuisine European
Servings 2
Calories 242 kcal


For the gluten free & keto fish tacos

Serving suggestions


  • Mix sour (or coconut) cream, vinegar, garlic and season to taste with salt. Cut the fish across the grain of the flesh into strips roundly 2 inches wide, and add them to the cream marinade. Cover and refrigerate for two hours, preferably overnight. 
  • Make a batch of our keto jicama fries. 
  • Prepare your frying station by adding enough oil to a skillet or pan to make it about 1/2-inch deep. You can save a lot of oil by using a narrower pan and frying in batches. Heat up oil over medium/low heat while you coat the fish.
  • Mix the whey protein, baking powder, garlic powder and salt in a shallow plate or dish. In a second plate or dish, whisk the egg with cream and vinegar. 
  • Coat the fish by lightly removing excess marinade, dipping in the egg mix, followed by the whey protein mix, immediately placing in the hot oil and basting the top right away. You want to fry the fish right after coating for best crispness. Fry on both sides until deep golden and transfer to a paper-lined plate for a couple minutes. 
  • Serve right away over a bed of jicama fries, plenty of lemon, mayonnaise and a drizzle of vinegar. 


Please note that nutrition facts were estimated for the fish only, add 2-4g net carbsΒ for the jicama fries. Also, keep in mind that estimating a completely precise analysis for these is virtually impossible given the marinade, frying oil etc. Having said that, the fish and coating itself is virtually carb-less.Β 


Calories: 242kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 26g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Cholesterol: 158mg | Sodium: 427mg | Potassium: 802mg | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 445IU | Vitamin C: 1.2mg | Calcium: 168mg | Iron: 1mg
Keyword gluten free fish and chips, keto battered fish, keto fish and chips
Whip up this recipe?Comment below or drop me a line @gnomgnom._ and tag #gnomgnomyum!


  1. Chefdesoleil says:

    5 stars
    I’m allergic to whey and egg whites- what other substitutes would work besides maybe the ground pork rinds? Thanks 😊 I was wondering if heavy cream powder might work ??? PS your recipes have been wonderful.

    • My pleasure and you are definitely on the right track with pork rinds! I would check out the chicken nugget recipe on the site, though the results will be a bit different as it will end up being more of a coating than a batter (I haven’t been successful with frying pork rinds?). xo!

  2. Gabrielle says:

    4 stars
    May I suggest using fish pieces with equal thickness together, starting with the thinnest. Then, only using as much oil as needed to rise to half the thickness of the fish.

    Then use a slotted spoon to gently turn over the pieces of fish.

    Do make sure to use fresh eggs as well. They stick better to the fish and maybe even add an extra egg to help them stick to the fish? What’s an extra egg in your diet going to hurt?
    The batter not sticking well enough might have been an issue of too much humidity in the air. I have more problems with batters sticking in winter when our humidity is much higher.

  3. Deb says:

    5 stars
    Did the fish for dinner tonight and was so , so pleased. Yum!!!!!

    I had some issues with the dry mix flaking off a bit in the oil on the first couple of pieces. Added 2 Tbs of lupin to the dry mix and that fixed it…..made a great crust.

    This is going to be a regular at our house…..fried fish is back after a very very long absence. Thank you!

  4. Merideth Hadersbeck says:

    5 stars
    Delicious! First time cooking with whey protein isolate. Coating was amazing. Next time I’ll season it more heavily. But the recipe is amazing!

  5. Emma says:

    5 stars
    Himself has been missing fish and chips on Keto so I wanted to give this a go. Living in rural UK; getting hold of Jicama was a non-starter unfortunately so I did a side of courgette parmesan oven baked fries instead. I had MyProtein unflavoured whey protein to hand (not the isolate) so used that. This came out really wonderfully! To anyone having trouble keeping the batter on, the secret is to really get the fish wet in the egg so the dry coating sticks well – have a really good amount of oil in your pan (I used coconut oil) and DON’T keep flipping the fish! I did a couple of really chunky Cod fillets and left them around 3-4 minutes on each side so only flipped the once. Didn’t have any batter fall off and the fish was beautifully tend. Served with tender stem broccoli, the courgette fries and some Stokes garlic mayo. Delish! Great recipe…will be doing this one again!

  6. Amber says:

    5 stars
    This was AMAZING! I used half egg white protein powder and collagen powder because I didn’t have the whey protein isolate. Super delicious. Great texture. =)

  7. Cindy says:

    4 stars
    I have tried frying chicken (cut up chicken, bone in type), using whey isolate protein powder. Gets dark and crunchy right away, before the chicken gets done, so I finish it off in the oven, so I know your method will work even better for small pieces of fish! (Boneless chicken tenders, too!)

  8. Amanda says:

    Tried this. Followed the recipe to the letter.

    The breading fell off in the oil, on most of the pieces. The coating that did stick, burned before the fish was done. I put it in the oven to finish it.

    If I were to try this again, I would use only very thin pieces of fish.

    It has potential. The batter is nice and crunchy, even if only floating around in the oil. Still, anything crunchy is good, and I see potential in that, too.

    It’s not amazing. But it could be.

  9. Danielle Ouellette says:

    5 stars
    Your recipes are the best!! Loved this for my fish. Everything I do from this site turns out perfect and delicious!

  10. Cindy says:

    5 stars
    Paola, I’ve jicama fries, before, and I couldn’t get them to crisp up; maybe I didn’t cook them long enough. But a recipe I found the other day for butternut squash “potato chips” ( I think half the world calls them “crisps”) gave me an idea. That recipe called for blanching the squash slices in boiling water, drying them off, then DEHYDRATING them, before flash frying them on hot oil. And it really worked! They were every big as crisp as real potato chips (crisps). Do you think that would work for these jicama fries?

  11. Christine L Hamel says:

    Can you use whey concentrated protein powder or does it have to be the isolate form?

    TGS All Natural 100% Whey Protein Powder – Unflavored, Undenatured, Unsweetened – Low Carb, Soy Free, Gluten Free, GMO Free


  12. jas says:

    5 stars
    What a FAB recipe!! I’ve been obsessed with the jicama fries since you posted them and this was an awesome friday meal πŸ™‚

  13. LaWanda says:

    Hi Paola! This is going to sound like a really silly question, but is whey protein isolate the same a whey protein powder (the kind that comes in different flavors)? Another winning recipe! πŸ™‚

    • Paola says:

      Unfortunately not in my experience Jasmine! Check out the chicken tenders, it’s different but uses pork rinds as a pinko-like coating xo!

      • Roberta says:

        Egg white protein works too. And macros don’t change with this sub.
        More over, if using egg white protein instead of whey you can effectively call this recipe “dairy free”, otherwise, sorry, but you shouldn’t πŸ˜‰

        • Paola says:

          I haven’t been successful tbh with frying with egg white protein, but super happy it works for you Roberta!

          Also psssst, this recipe is not labelled as dairy free πŸ˜‰ xo!

          • Roberta says:

            Thanks Paula! Just checked out in the recipe, and it says : “CUSINE: dairy free…” ;-P I referred to that classification, but don’t worry, it’s a perfect recipe that can be made dairy free with little efffort or compromise without being less satisfying πŸ™‚
            Your blog is always a great inspiration for me, sometimes need to adapt something to my needs, other times I do not and I’m happy to have found you on the internet πŸ™‚

          • Paola says:

            Gotcha! The recipe card plugin has been switching around the tags (it also had a Mexican tag πŸ˜‚!). Thanks for pointing it out, the post itself is only tagged as keto & gluten free though. Xo and awesome to hear the recipes can be adapted to your needs!

  14. Tiffany says:

    So excited to try this! Fish and chips is one of my husband’s all time favorite dishes! I’ve been slowly getting him on board with keto (subbing cauliflower rice for regular, making a killer beanless chili, and trying out some of your keto baked goods that he has liked), but this may just push it over the top! I’ll have to report back once I get a chance to make it!!

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