Home » entrees » (Extra Crisp!) Keto Candied Pecans 🍯

(Extra Crisp!) Keto Candied Pecans 🍯

These paleo and keto candied pecans are extra crisp and totally addictive! Easy peasy to whip up for the ultimate low carb snack.

Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree
Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree

Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans

Extra Crisp!

At chez gnom-gnom, candied pecans are a must come fall (and all year-round tbh!). So over the years a bunch of different versions have arisen, but this one right here is my top pick.

Lightly toasted sesame seeds are used to give the pecans the ultimate flavor. A bit like halva, the classic (and oh-so-delicious!) Middle-Eastern treat. They simply add such an incredible depth of flavor and aroma, and once mixed in with the sugar and the cinnamon, an incredible coffee scent will arise.

Plus, in case I’ve failed to convince you yet, sesame seeds are jam packed with healthy fats, calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B-6. And at just 1-2g net carbs a (30g) handful, these make for an ideal snack jam packed with healthy fats and nutrients.

p.s. these are awesome atop our overnight chia pudding and, of course, paired up with my no-churn vanilla ice cream!

Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree
Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree

The Sweetener

My favorite current sweetener for these low carb candied pecans is allulose (because no aftertaste whatsoever). But, similar to xylitol (non-corn though to avoid tummy troubles!), it can take up to a day too crisp up properly. 

Otherwise Lakanto’s golden erythritol is a great choice too. It’s lovely maple flavor complements the pecans beautifully, and it crisps up nicely within a couple hours. And do note that your candied pecans will come out opaque. 

And if paleo (or not restricted by sugar), coconut sugar is your best bet here.  So you’ve got options.

And if using xylitol, make sure to be careful if you have a pup (or kitty) around the house, as it’s highly toxic to the little guys! 🐕

Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree
Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree
Paleo & Keto Candied Pecans #keto #lowcarb #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #pecans #paleo #dairyfree

(Extra Crisp!) Keto Candied Pecans

These paleo and keto candied pecans are extra crisp and totally addictive! Easy peasy to whip up for the ultimate low carb snack.
Oh, and if baking with cups rather than grams is your thing, just click on US Cups for an instant conversion.
4.94 from 16 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Dessert, Entree, Snack
Cuisine American, Keto
Servings 10 servings
Calories 191 kcal



  • Lightly toast sesame seeds over medium/low heat for 4 to 6 minutes. Watch out they do not burn, or they'll taste bitter! You know they're ready when they're lightly golden, and you press one between your fingertips and it turns to powder. Set aside to cool. 
  • Preheat oven to 250°F/120°C. Line a rimmed baking tray with parchment paper, set aside.
  • Add sesame seeds, sweetener and molasses (optional) to a food processor and pulse a couple times until roughly powdered and mixed thoroughly. 
  • Mix sesame sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Set aside. 
  • Beat egg white with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Toss pecans onto the sesame and cinnamon sugar and fold in the egg white. 
  • Spread pecans onto prepared baking tray in a single layer and sprinkle generously with flakey sea salt. Bake for 35-45 minutes, checking every 15 minutes or so and tossing them about a bit. Allow to cool completely, as they'll continue to crisp up while cooling. Please note that erythritol can take a few hours to crisp up and xylitol up to a day (yup, for real!)
  • Store in an airtight container for a couple weeks. 


The Sweetener

My favorite current sweetener for these low carb candied pecans is allulose (because no aftertaste whatsoever). But, similar to xylitol (non-corn though to avoid tummy troubles!), it can take up to a day too crisp up properly. 
Otherwise Lakanto's golden erythritol is a great choice too. It's lovely maple flavor complements the pecans beautifully, and it crisps up nicely within a couple hours. And do note that your candied pecans will come out opaque. 
And if paleo (or not restricted by sugar), coconut sugar is your best bet here.  So you’ve got options.
And if using xylitol, make sure to be careful if you have a pup (or kitty) around the house, as it’s highly toxic to the little guys! 🐕


Serving: 30g | Calories: 191kcal | Carbohydrates: 4g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 5mg | Potassium: 121mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 15IU | Vitamin C: 0.2mg | Calcium: 47mg | Iron: 1.1mg
Keyword keto candied pecans, paleo candied pecans
Whip up this recipe?Comment below or drop me a line @gnomgnom._ and tag #gnomgnomyum!





  1. SG Ahri says:

    5 stars
    I tried this recipie but i tweaked a few things. I didnt have pecans or sesame seeds but i used almonds and walnuts . I also made a sticky sweetner with sugar free maple syrup ,brown swerve, monfruit , cinnamon and a dash of vanilla in replacement for the molasses. I still followed the steps and baked it for an hour. This made a KILLER ceareal and im so happy this recipie works! 😀

  2. Jen says:

    5 stars
    Addictively delicious!!
    I used sukrin gold. I don’t like sesame seeds so I left them out. I added the molasses to the egg after I whipped it. Followed everything else. It only took about 46-60 minutes of cooling for them to crisp up and be crunchy. Amazing. Thank you for the wonderful recipe!

  3. Logan G Dillon says:

    5 stars
    These are so stinking good they’re dangerous!! WE CAN’T STOP EATING THEM! It’s a problem. But a good one! 😛 Thanks for another amazing recipe. I always get so excited when I see your email pop up because I know it’s going to be another delicious recipe!


    5 stars
    Great recipe!! My mother was nice enough to make sure i had a dessert for family dinnet and she made these OMG TOO GOOD!! i couldnt stop eating them i cant wait for her to make them again

  5. christine says:

    5 stars
    Recipe is amazing. I have made them the last couple times without the sesames because I was in a hurry and I like them better that way. Love these on salad, alone with yogurt and berries. SO DELICIOUS! People love to eat them when they come over.

  6. LT says:

    5 stars
    This recipe is fantastic. I don’t eat sugar free or keto, I tried this recipe to serve to a diabetic. I used splenda, 8 tablespoons, and it turned out wonderful.
    Thanks for the recipe. LT

    • Maggs says:

      FYI. There’s a lot of articles out that Splenda is really bad for us. Ppl should read about it if they use it regularly. 🙂

  7. Betty M. says:

    5 stars
    WOW!! I just made these today for Thanksgiving. Incredibly good! I used granulated erythritol and a smidgen of regular molasses. So good. It was snowing today so I put them on the back porch to cool, and they hardened up good & crunchy within a half hour. Thank you for the recipe!

    • Paola says:

      My pleasure Erin! Tbh that’s a tricky one and I’m still experimenting with subs (chia eggs give denser crumb and aquafaba is hit or miss?)

  8. Bri says:

    5 stars
    These are AMAZING! When I usually try to make any Keto recipe that is supposed to be crunchy I fail. This time I did not! These are just as good as the ones you buy at the fair! It tastes like I’m cheating lol.

  9. Janice Morrow says:

    I live in Canada and I can’t find the brand names of the sweeteners here (Lakanto or Swerve). I can find powdered Stevia, though and wondering if you know how that would compare, measurement-wise.

  10. Jane Augustine says:

    5 stars
    I made this recipe back in June, but did not use the sesame seeds. They were still delicious. Took them to a pool party. I also drizzled some dark unsweetened chocolate over some of them. What a hit at the party.

  11. Shirley says:

    Thank you, I make these twice and they are delicious. I used Lakanto Golden Monkfruit, increased the cinnamon to 3/4 tsp and added 1/2 tsp cardamom. 45 minutes is perfect timing, they are very crispy.

  12. Nina says:

    4 stars
    These are very good! They keep me away from less nutritious, high caloric alternatives. Next batch I think I can go less Golden Lakanto.
    Trying your Cheddar Cheese Crackers tomorrow. Thank you.

  13. Kim Radcliffe says:

    These pecans are delicious! I made them to go in ice cream and can’t wait for a bowl! Thank you for a great recipe!

  14. Pamela Hill says:

    I have been stuck in bed all day and although I hate when that happens – I have thoroughly enjoyed myself today by reading and studying your recipes! I am not a “real” cook – I have a few tried and true recipes I can competently put together and my family certainly doesn’t starve! Recently though I have taken up cooking more as a hobby in order to be able to cook for my daughter who now has to eat gluten free, and starting a keto diet for myself. Your recipes make us realize we don’t have to give up great food to be healthy. I can’t wait to try several of your recipes this week – the marinara sauce for the mascarpone and marinara noodles, the tarragon chicken and noodles, the deep dish pizza, and many more! Thank you very much!

    • Paola says:

      Lol that’s awesome Pamela! So happy you enjoyed browsing the site 😉 And I get you on starting a gluten free/keto diet, as when I was diagnosed with Celiacs while back I ate rice for about a month….! Not so happy days until I stopped lamenting myself and started experimenting 😉 xo!

  15. Mary Kellogg says:

    5 stars
    I’m making these for a second time. This time I added a bit of chili powder….a double batch. I find that if I leave them out in the open the coating dries and hardens, otherwise they are a bit sticky. I harvested 100 lbs of pecans this fall…freezer is full. Makes for a nice snack.

    • Paola says:

      Hi Mary! Chili powder sounds like a wonderful addition thank you! I have also realized that (depending on what sweetener you use) they do take a while to crunch up. When I made them with xylitol took roughly a day for the xylitol to harden back up (swerve was a few hours). xo and thanks for reporting back!

  16. Annaise S. H. says:

    5 stars
    WHERE HAVE THESE BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! Thought the sesame were an odd addition at first, but I’m learning to trust you lol! AND MY GAAAWD! BEST CANDIED PECANS EVER!

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