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(No-Bake!) Keto Strawberry Cheesecake 🍰

No-bake, easy-peasy and fairly instant! This keto strawberry cheesecake, with its instant ‘graham cracker’ crust, is the ideal fresh fat bomb treat.

Keto strawberry cheesecake in a tall glass with whipped cream
(No-Bake!) Gluten Free & Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1

Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1

No-bake & ultra fresh!

Because who doesn’t loooveΒ a good cheesecake? Rich, decadent, ultra fresh, tangy… and don’t even get me started on the graham crust! But let’s face it, they’re a pain to whip up.

(Side note: if you do wanna put in the extra labor of love, head right this way for my *very* best keto cheesecake!).

But back to this hack:Β no-bake and fairly instantΒ to satisfy those (individual!) cravings. AndΒ if you’ve already met my classic keto cheesecake,Β this strawberry variation needs no introduction.

Oh! And trulyΒ don’t skip the β€˜graham cracker’ crust, it’s ah-mazing (and easy peasy, so no excuse).

p.s. feel free to make mini cheesecake fat bombs out of any of my desserts-for-1s!

Overhead shot of cheesecake in a serving glass with strawberry slices
(No-Bake!) Gluten Free & Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1

The ButterΒ πŸŒΎπŸ„

You are eating the butter raw, so going organic and grass-fed really is a must here. Because, aside from the taste being 1,34049 times better, grass-fed butter has a completely different nutritional profile to regular butter.

It is loaded with Vitamin-K2 (which de-calcifies your arteries), anti-inflammatory fatty acid called butyrate, among many other perks. So if you have to choose just one product to splurge on, this is it.

Eating strawberry cheesecake with a dessert spoon
(No-Bake!) Gluten Free & Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1

The Sweetener

You can pretty much use whatever sweetener floats your boat, but it must be powdered. LakantoΒ (my favorite monk fruit erythitrol blend), xylitol (non-corn though to avoid tummy troubles!) and allulose are my top choices (no aftertaste!).

So get your blender out, make sure it’s completely dry, and process your sweetener of choiceΒ until powdered. Just make sure you wait a few moments for the dust to settle before opening the blender or food processor.

Or you can always grab a bag of Powdered Lakanto (just keep in mind its twice as sweet…. or even go for pure monkfruit extract (love Lakanto’s!) or stevia! And if stevia drops are your thing, go for it! Just sweeten very little by little to taste. I suggest SweetLeaf Vanilla to get the job done right.

And if using xylitol, make sure to be careful if you have a pup around the house, as it’s highly toxic to the little guys!Β πŸ•

No bake strawberry cheesecake with keto graham cracker crust
(No-Bake!) Gluten Free & Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1
Overhead shot of strawberry cheesecake mousse
(No-Bake!) Gluten Free & Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1
Eaten keto strawberry cheesecake with a spoon
(No-Bake!) Gluten Free & Keto Strawberry Cheesecake For-1

Looking for more keto desserts for-one?! Be sure to check out our ridiculous chocolate cheesecake and ultra fresh key lime pie too!

Keto strawberry cheesecake in a tall glass with whipped cream

(No-Bake!) Keto Strawberry Cheesecake

No-bake, easy-peasy and fairly instant! This keto strawberry cheesecake, with its instant 'graham cracker' crust, is the ideal fresh fat bomb treat.
5 from 9 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 2 servings
Calories 390 kcal


For the keto graham cracker crust

For the keto strawberry cheesecake

  • 70 g cream cheese at room temperature
  • 48 g strawberries
  • 40 g sour cream plus more for serving (optional)
  • 28 g grass-fed butter at room temperature
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/8-1/4 teaspoon lemon juice to taste
  • 2-3 tablespoons powdered erythritol or xylitol, to taste (I use 2)*

Serving suggestions

  • whipped cream


For the keto graham cracker crust

  • Lightly toast almond flour in a skillet or pan over medium heat, until fully golden and fragrant (2-4 minutes). This is very important taste-wise, so don't skip!
  • Transfer toasted flour to a small bowl (or go straight for the serving glass), and mix in sweetener, cinnamon and salt. Add in butter, mix until thoroughly combined, and press into serving glass or dish. Refrigerate while you make the cheesecake. 

For the keto cheesecake

  • Blend the cheesecake and strawberries together using an immersion blender (or actual blender!). Set aside. 
  • Add sour cream to a medium bowl and beat with an electric mixer until whipped (2-3 minutes). Set aside. 
  • Add butter to a medium bowl and beat with an electric mixer until fully creamed. Add in the strawberry cream cheese mixture, vanilla extract, lemon juice, sweetener and beat until just combined. 
  • Fold in whipped sour cream. Transfer cheesecake mixture into the graham cracker lined glass. Freeze for 30-40 minutes or refrigerate for a couple hours (or overnight) until set. 
  • Optional: Serve with more whipped cream and a couple of strawberries. Keep in the fridge for up to 4 days, and in the freezer afterwards. 


Each batch of our keto cheesecake-for-1 series yields two servings (or a veeery large one!).Β But feel free to portion it even smaller (think cheesecake fat bombs!) in small muffin pans or moulds.Β 
And please note that the strawberries add 2g net carbs a serving, so feel free to adjust their amount to suit your macros.Β 


Calories: 390kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 39g | Saturated Fat: 20g | Cholesterol: 95mg | Sodium: 282mg | Potassium: 113mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 1130IU | Vitamin C: 14.1mg | Calcium: 83mg | Iron: 0.7mg
Keyword gluten free strawberry cheesecake, keto no bake strawberry cheesecake, keto strawberry cheesecake
Whip up this recipe?Comment below or drop me a line @gnomgnom._ and tag #gnomgnomyum!


  1. Gary says:

    5 stars
    Holy Moly. You rocked this one Paola. Just when my husband and I were getting tired of the same keto desserts, we tried this beautiful, fresh cheesecake. Freaking amazing. Delicious and satisfying without guilt. You’re right, the grass fed butter makes all the difference. I used KerryGold and it was fab. The toasted almond flour crust was sublime. Very ripe strawberries are a must. Thank you! xo

  2. Kathy says:

    I am new to this…When you say this can be used as fat bombs,,,I would make in mini cupcake tray and freeze them for later? Can’t wait to try this one…

  3. Crystal says:

    You always subtract these kinds of sugars because they do not affect your insulin. They do not affect you in the same way that regular sugar would if you use the correct kind such as Swerve, Munkfruit, Pyure, etc…

  4. Crystal says:

    Wouldn’t this be 1 net carb because you subtract the Fiber and the sugar from the carbs? I use net carbs.

  5. Kim says:

    If I want to leave out strawberries and replace with strawberry extract to reduce carbs do you think it would turn out ok? If I’m reading it correctly it looks like it would be 4 net carbs with strawberries but only 2 without. Correct?

  6. Alma says:

    Hi Paola, Instruction #1 under for the cheesecake, you might need to make a typo correction “Blend the cheesecake” might need to read to “Blend the cream cheese” instead of the “cheesecake”? Apparently those who have followed your instructions loved the recipe and read it with the change in wording, but for a newbie, they might be confused. Love your recipes and refer friends to your website all of the time!

  7. Tiffany says:

    5 stars
    This was so good!

    I know people love to ask a whole lot of you recipe gurus out there and I’m about to be one of them: do you have a conversion for making it into a full 9-inch pie?

  8. Sabrina says:

    Hi! I have been making your recipes for years and love every single one of them, so thank you for enhancing my life! I just found out today that I have a food allergy/sensitivity to anything containing almonds and eggs (how unfortunate). Can I use peanut flour instead of the almond flour in this recipe for the crust? What about in your other recipes? Thanks again for all that you do!

  9. Jane Ritchuk says:

    5 stars
    This was yummy to the max. The only slight problem was getting the berries and cream cheese to blend together. Maybe the berries weren’t ripe enough but they didn’t want to mash out. Still tasted ok, but would have been more flavourful if all the berries had actually been in the dessert. Will know for next time…and there will be a next time!!!

  10. Juanita Latimer says:

    I can’t wait to try this! I just have a question, what do you mean in step one when you say blend the cheesecake and strawberries together? Do we make the plain cheesecake first and then blend in the strawberries?

    Thank you!

  11. Brooke says:

    I’m on it! Cream cheese warming to room temp now!

    *Paola: I noticed, switching from metric to cups caused an error for crust (so, b4 your inundated with notes of confusion..or angered butter lacking folk) it goes from “3 teaspoons melted grass-fed butter” to “1 1/2 teaspoons melted grass-fed butter” .. also from pinch of salt to just salt.. & if we wanna get really 😜.. step 1 says cheesecake instead of cream cheese. .. Thx forπŸ“πŸ˜!! 😘 Can’t wait.πŸ™Œ

  12. Tania says:

    Is 3 teaspoons of melted butter in the graham cracker crust a mistake? In both your original cheesecake recipe and in the US cups version, it is 1 1/2 teaspoons. Thanks for clarifying.

      • Lisa says:

        5 stars
        So I made this last night. There were supposed to be two servings to enjoy this week. Well Paola’s witchcraft was at it again. I went up to my bedroom to go to sleep and can’t understand how I ended up in front of the refrigerator with a spoon in my hand just to sneak one little taste of the strawberry cheesecake. Next thing I know, the ramekin was in the bed with me 😲 When I woke up this morning, that cheesecake was ghost πŸ‘»

        What the heck Paola??? πŸ™„

        XO πŸ€—

      • Lisa says:

        5 stars
        Just finished my second time making this in a week. The plan is to share with my mother tomorrow for Mother’s Day. I don’t know πŸ€”

        • Lisa says:

          5 stars
          My Mom loved her Mother’s Day dessert. I told her I wasn’t making any more desserts until I shed 5 lbs. She told me I’d better plan on losing it all this week because she wants another strawberry cheesecake next weekend πŸ™„

  13. lena says:

    5 stars
    Your chocolate cheesecake for one is my hubby’s favorite dessert! Can’t wait to try this one, strawberry cheesecake is my <3!!

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