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15-Minute Grain-Free Tortillas 🌮 gluten free & keto

These (15-minute!) gluten free and keto tortillas are super pliable, easy-peasy and make the best low carb tacos… at just 2g net carbs a pop!

Gluten free and keto tortillas in a basket with white cloth
15-Minute Gluten Free & Keto Tortillas

15-Minute Gluten Free & Keto Tortillas

Suuuper pliable, 2g net carbs & not eggy (at all!!)

I’m very (very) excited to share this recipe for keto tortillas with you guys! Because know that I’m (half!) Mexican i.e. I know tortillas.

The result is a nice and pliable tortilla which will puff when cooked. An ideal replacement for flour tortillas (or corn, for that matter). All for your taco’s delight!

Oh, and did I mention just 1 egg for 8 tortillas?! Yup, no eggy business here here peeps.

Also note that this recipe was first published here on October 17th, 2017… and has since appeared in multiple other websites (ahem!!). Just know that you saw it here first (plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery right?! 😉

Keto taco bowls with sour cream, salsa and avocado
Gluten Free & Keto Taco Bowls

The Flours

The original recipe is a mixture of super fine almond flour (I love Anthony’s) and coconut flour (again Anthony’s best taste and texture by a mile!). Add a touch of xanthan gum, baking powder, and we’re golden.

The Substitutes

I know you guys need to substitute often (allergies, preferences etc), so this should come in handy:

  • Almond flour can be substituted with sunflower seed flour on a 1-to-1 ratio. Given its similar fat and protein content to almond, this really is the best sub out there for those of you with nut allergies! Just note that its generally not ground as fine as almond and it has a different flavor profile, but I know you guys love it as you report back on it often. 
  • Coconut flour is a bit of a trickier one to sub as its more unique in its behavior, but still totally doable (as I found out in the naan recipe!). In fact, when yeast is involved, oat fiber had the best texture out of the lot, arguably as it is a grain. Oh, and the neat thing about oat fiber is that it’s virtually carb-less (I’m assuming there’s a trace, but labels read 3g carbs – 3g fiber = 0 net carbs!). Also keep in mind that brands vary a lot here and Lifesource seems to be the best (no weird aftertaste, etc).
  • Xanthan gum is the trickiest of the lot to sub, because of its totally unique ability to act like a binder to replace gluten. Which means that for best results I suggest not trying to sub this one. Having said that, in case of allergies or sensitivity (or if paleo), you can use 1 tablespoon of psyllium husk powder instead. The dough won’t be a as malleable, but results will still be solid.
Squeezing a lime unto keto carnitas tacos
(Instant Pot!) Paleo & Keto Carnitas

The Method

Couldn’t get any easier tbh! You simply whisk together the flours (very thoroughly!), add them to your food processor, add in a touch of apple cider vinegar (or any neutral tasting one), add in the egg and a touch of water. The dough will then come together into a ball, which you’ll wrap with plastic wrap and knead for a couple minutes (think sort of like a stress ball!).

No food processor? No worries! You can use your hand or stand mixer or even do it by hand with a little extra elbow grease. I don’t suggest using blenders though, as the dough is quite stiff and it could damage your engine.

And for the roll out, using a tortilla press is much easier (I use this one!). But it works just fine with a rolling pin and two pieces of parchment paper.

One last (very important!!) thing: when cooking, coconut flour burns rather rapidly. So while this does help you to get the traditional charred marks of flour tortillas, you do need to keep an eye out for them to keep them from burning. Having said that, you do want your skillet to be very hot in order for the tortillas to cook quickly (in under a minute) and stay pliable. Like any tortilla, if the heat is not high enough it will harden and crack.

Keto tortilla chips
Grain Free & Keto Tortilla Chips
Gluten Free, Low Carb & Keto Fish Tacos 🐟 extra crisp! #keto #lowcarb #dairyfree #healthyrecipes #ketodinners #tacos #mexican
Gluten Free, Low Carb & Keto Fish Tacos 🐟 extra crisp! #keto #lowcarb #dairyfree #healthyrecipes #ketodinners #tacos #mexican
Low carb & keto nachos with grain free tortilla chips
Low Carb & Keto Nachos

Taco Ideas!

You’ll soon find that our keto tortillas are incredibly versatile! You can make crisp taco shells with them, use them up for fish tacos and carnitas, burritos, turn them into tortilla chips (and subsequently nachos!), taco bowls… you’ve got plenty of options!

And last, but not least, I’ve also since found that the tortilla dough has multiple uses (outside of Mexican food, that is)! So I suggest you check out our Crazy Keto Dough for more deets (think cinnamon roll knots, pizza and pasta!).

15-Minute Gluten Free & Keto Tortillas 🌮 Suuuper pliable, just 1 egg, & 2g net carbs!

(15-Minute!) Gluten Free & Keto Tortillas

These (15-minute!) gluten free and keto tortillas are super pliable, easy-peasy and make the best low carb tacos... at just 2g net carbs a pop!
4.95 from 275 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 8 tortillas
Calories 89 kcal


Special equipment


  • Add almond flour, coconut flour, xanthan gum, baking powder and salt to food processor. Pulse until thoroughly combined. Note: you can alternatively whisk everything in a large bowl and use a hand or stand mixer for the following steps. 
  • Pour in apple cider vinegar with the food processor running. Once it has distributed evenly, pour in the egg. Followed by the water. Stop the food processor once the dough forms into a ball. The dough will be sticky to touch.
  • Wrap dough in cling film and knead it through the plastic for a minute or two. Think of it a bit like a stress ball. Allow dough to rest for 10 minutes (and up to three days in the fridge). 
  • Heat up a skillet (preferably) or pan over medium heat. You can test the heat by sprinkling a few water droplets, if the drops evaporate immediately your pan is too hot. The droplets should ‘run’ through the skillet.
  • Break the dough into eight 1” balls (26g each). Roll out between two sheets of parchment or waxed paper with a rolling pin or using a tortilla press (easier!) until each round is 5-inches in diameter. 
  • Transfer to skillet and cook over medium heat for just 3-6 seconds (very important). Flip it over immediately (using a thin spatula or knife), and continue to cook until just lightly golden on each side (though with the traditional charred marks), 30 to 40 seconds. The key is not to overcook them, as they will no longer be pliable or puff up.
  • Keep them warm wrapped in kitchen cloth until serving. To rewarm, heat briefly on both sides, until just warm (less than a minute).
  • These tortillas are best eaten straight away. But feel free to keep some dough handy in your fridge for up to three days, and they also freeze well for up to three months.


One (very important!!) thing: when cooking, coconut flour burns rather rapidly. So while this does help you to get the traditional charred marks of flour tortillas, you do need to keep an eye out for them to keep them from burning. Having said that, you do want your skillet to be very hot in order for the tortillas to cook quickly (in under a minute) and stay pliable. Like any tortilla, if the heat is not high enough it will harden and crack. 


Serving: 1tortilla | Calories: 89kcal | Carbohydrates: 4g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 20mg | Sodium: 51mg | Potassium: 58mg | Fiber: 2g | Vitamin A: 30IU | Calcium: 50mg | Iron: 0.7mg
Keyword gluten free tortillas, keto tortillas, low carb tortillas
Whip up this recipe?Comment below or drop me a line @gnomgnom._ and tag #gnomgnomyum!


  1. Daisy says:

    Hi there! I’m hoping to try this recipe very soon, but I noticed you don’t use any kind of fat to hold them together. I know that regular flour tortillas use quite a bit of lard. Is there a reason these don’t? Could lard replace the xanthum gum? I’ve never worked with or used xanthum gum, so I have no idea what its purpose is. Thanks in advance!
    A Mexican-American desperate for a good keto tortilla recipe!

    • Paola says:

      Hi Daisy! Keep in mind that grain free ‘flours’ behave completely different, so no lard is needed (almonds are naturally very fatty!). Also, what holds ‘tortillas de harina’ together isn’t the fat, but the gluten that develops- and that’s what the xanthan gum does! xo and hope you enjoy 😉

  2. Cara says:

    5 stars
    Tried this recipe last night and I LOVED it! I’ve recently switched to eating ketogenic and have been badly missing all the carb-y things I used to eat. It definitely takes more work than just opening a package, but it so well worth it. Tonight I am going to try your raviolis. Thank you for the recipes

    • Paola says:

      So happy you loved them Cara! And I get you on the cravings when you first start eating keto, takes a bit to change mindsets 😉 xo and thanks so much for reporting back!

  3. Cara says:

    5 stars
    I tried these today and was so impressed! Thank you!
    Couple quick questions: Can I make them bigger without compromising them? They were perfect 5″ tortillas, but I was thinking dividing into 6 portions instead of 8. Will they still hold together?
    Freezing? I looked at the previous comments, but no one has really been clear about it. I was thinking pressing and freezing, then defrost and cook. Do you think the dough will dry out too much? Or still workable?

    • Paola says:

      Hi Cara! Yes you’re good to go on making them bigger (I’ve done it for wraps). On freezing in all honesty I haven’t tried (it’s on my to-do-list!). I’ve frozen the dough before but shaped already in hot pockets, ravioli, etc (but these go in the oven- and the dough can be temperamental, so I’m still not sure if it would be compromised for stovetop cooking). But, some lovely readers have reported back to freezing them made without too much detriment (place a plastic sheet or something between each tortilla though so they don’t stick together) xo!

  4. Sam says:

    5 stars
    Love these! My SO and I used to look forward to Taco Tuesdays, but gave up on it after starting keto. I’m so happy that we get to have tacos again. I was worried that I would taste the vinegar, but nope, it tastes like a tortilla. Have you made quesadillas on the stove, or do you think it would burn?

    • Paola says:

      Hi Sam! So happy you enjoyed these so much! And yup on quesadillas, I make them all the time! Just watch out though, because they do brown quicker. 😉 xo

  5. Megan Dunnewold says:

    5 stars
    Hi Paola! First off your website has changed my life! I seriously rave about your recipes to everyone I know! I found out I was allergic to gluten two years ago and basically lived off Mexican food. It was so hard going keto because I love corn tortillas/chips so much but your website has solved my taco cravings (plus so many more!). The first time I made these they turned out incredible! I made a double batch and they puffed up perfectly. This last time I made them, I made six times the batch so I could give some away and also have extra dough for some of your other recipes. I did it in my KitchenAid mixer because it was such a big batch. Although the taste was the same, they didn’t puff up like the first ones. I can’t think of what I could have done wrong. I weighed my ingredients and double checked my math. Have you ever tried to make such a large batch at once?

  6. Alex says:

    5 stars
    These are KILLER! There’s no recipe that comes close to this and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your hard work with us. I’ve been making double batches of these every few days because they’re delicious, versatile, and my SO (a non-keto wheat eater!) LOVES them too! They’ve made it possible to enjoy so many of the the foods I missed on keto – tacos, quesadillas, veggie wraps, etc… total game changer!

    • Paola says:

      Thank you Alex! It’s awesome you’re enjoying this recipe so much! Check out the section in the recipe page on other things you can also do with the dough (fried ravioli, cheeseburger pockets…) 😉 xo and thanks so much for reporting back!

      • Alex says:

        I can’t wait to try the ravioli! I did something different with the tortillas yesterday that I wanted to share in case it’s helpful for you or others. When I cooked the tortillas I left them just a touch softer than usual so they’d have a bit more moisture. Then after they cooled I rolled them up super tight and cut narrow slices – they looked like linguine. I made a sauce and tossed the “linguine” strips into it and I have to say, they were by far the best noodle substitute I’ve ever had. I was also thinking of trying the tortillas as lasagna noodles. Do you think they’d do OK baking in sauce? Thank you again!

        • Paola says:

          Hi Alex! Sorry I missed your comment earlier! Loved what you did! Aside form the ravioli, check out the pasta/gnocchi too! And on the lasagna, I doubt it would hold up in sauce unfortunately 🙁 xo!

  7. Gabriel says:

    5 stars
    Hi Paola! Love your site! Love your ideas! Question? I refrigerated the dough for a few hours. When I took it out of the plastic, it was still sticky. Is this normal? I used a tortilla press and wax paper. When I opened it up after pressing, the dough was stuck to the paper and there was no way for me to peel it off. I had to toss it out. Next, I lightly greased the tortilla press. When I did it this time, I was able to peel it off better however, I had to be very careful. Is this normal? Should it still be sticky? What might I have done wrong. Thank you. Gabriel

    • Paola says:

      Hi Gabriel! Sorry to have missed your comment earlier. I can’t say for sure without being in the kitchen with you, but it sounds like simply too much liquid was added to the dough (egg to large maybe so just don’t add the water). You want the dough to be sticky from the xanthan gum, but it’s also rather stiff. Hope this helps and so happy you’re enjoying the site xo!

      • Shannon says:

        I had the same problem, way too sticky to be pressed thin. I did, against your suggestion, sub out xanthum though…I can’t eat it.

        • Paola says:

          Hi Shannon, the xanthan gum is absolutely essential here unfortunately. So your problems may be to other things because of the sub xo!

      • Gabriel says:

        Okay, I think I almost got it! The second batch came out well, but when I tried to fold it like a tortilla, it started to split a bit. It’s pliable, but it didn’t fold as easily as a corn or flour tortilla. Did I cook it too long? I don’t think so. Was it too dry before I cooked it? Maybe. Any insight would help. I going to keep trying! Thanks! xo

        • Paola says:

          Hi Gabriel! Sorry I missed your comment earlier, this could either be because the pan wasn’t hot enough (so you made a tostada!) or now there was too little liquid? xo!

  8. Pamela says:

    5 stars
    I still cannot remember how I happen on to your site but I am very glad that I did. I have tried several of your recipes and I am hooked. I just subscribed today for your alerts. Thank you so much for being such a giving person. I have tried other sites for good food while trying to be healthy and it is so disappointing to spend money and time only for the end result to be not as good as the author or the comments states. This is not the case with your website. Everything I have tried has been delicious, simple and easy (tortillas and the key lime no bake cheese cake fat bomb and the BBQ wings with your sauce. Those wings was the best.

    I just started the Keto food plan and love that I can eat real food that taste good that keeps me full. I know I won’t be able to have a lot of your delicious treat (desserts more specifically) until after my 30 days (20 grams of carbs or less) of being more restrictive in my food choices but I am looking forward to it. May God continue to bless you and your family. To give so much without wanting anything in return is truly a blessing and speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. I am already forwarding your website to my two co workers one has to eat gluten free and the other one is very Keto. You are truly beautiful inside and out.

  9. 5 stars
    I’ve tried to make the dish following the procedure but it was real hard for me to adjust the temperature of the skillet. Can you please suggest me any process by which I can adjust the temperature? Thanks in Advance

    • Paola says:

      Hi William! Unfortunately I’m not sure what skillet you’re using? Cast iron? With tortillas it’s a bit of a “getting the hang of it” situation so you have to play around with it until you nail the temperature (you’ll know, trust me!). But for e.g., I preheat my cast iron skillet over medium heat for about 7-10 minutes. But sometimes I need to adjust it myself, and it’s not a perfect science but the water droplets trick mentioned in the instructions is generally a good guideline. xo!

  10. Christina says:

    5 stars
    Made these several times now and we love them! Best keto tortillas! And really easy to make in the food processor. Might be getting a tortilla press so we can make these puppies even more easily.

    I also tried using half the Xantham gum (depending on the filling you could taste it a bit, maybe the brand we are using) and they still worked, just made them a bit thicker then.

    I use Ghee to cook them in which tastes great. Avocado oil has a stronger flavor, but if you like the taste it worked great too.

    Thanks Paola for this killer recipe! You da bomb!

    • Paola says:

      Hi Christina! So happy you enjoyed these so much, and yup a tortilla press halves the time for sure 😉

      And thanks so much for your comment on the xanthan gum- yes it does work halving it, but (at least in my experience) they don’t puff up then. It’s a bit of a compromise!

      xo and happy easter!

  11. Francesca says:

    5 stars

    These are unreal. I’ve been keto for over 2 years and have never found a tortilla recipe as amazing. I tried the fudge brownies and swooned and now this?!
    I may need to wife you *

    Also, I just realised that I have been following your artwork and jewellery for a long time now. I never made the connection until I looked at the About Me section and went…wait a minute! Damn girl, you’re multi-talented!

    * not a joke. Can you pls cook for me all the time k thnx bye

    • Paola says:

      Francesca I’m sorry to have missed your comment earlier! How awesome is this?! You’re actually the first person who has identified me as both lol 😉 started gnom-gnom on a whim last summer while I was pretty much bed bound with my autoimmune diseases, and it’s grown into such a wonderful community I can hardly believe it! Thank you for all your comments, so happy to read you’re enjoying the recipes! xo

  12. Cat says:

    Thanks for this keto-friendly, GF recipe. I recently started low carb and GF and am looking for ways to feel like I am not missing out on my old favorites. I made these last night and my husband and I enjoyed them. Strangely, I tasted the coconut and sweetness while my husband did not. They did not puff up… is there a trick to that? They came out pretty firm and not as pliable as expected but they didn’t break when scooped inwards to hold food, which was a good thing. I reheated one today and this time it was much stiffer and did break when attempting to hold as a taco. Can you offer any pointers for next time? FYI, I weighed the flours to ensure accurate amounts but measured everything else by volume as shown in the recipe. Thanks again!

    • Paola says:

      Hi Cat! When tortillas don’t puff up/arent pliable its generally because your skillet/pan wasn’t hot enough (they should cook in about 30 seconds). Could also be that the dough was too wet. Hope this helps xo!

  13. Jaye says:

    5 stars
    I barely ever leave comments but these are the best tortillas I’ve ever eaten and for me they’re better than non keto tortillas for the simple fact that they’re naturally gluten free and I thought my days of eating soft flour tortillas were over. Thank you so much for continuing to provide amazing keto recipes that always work well for me!

  14. 5 stars
    What a great recipe! Mine came out perfectly and we loved them. Honestly, they came out way better than I expected them too. I used a cast iron skillet and every single one turned out perfect. Can’t wait to make another batch! Thanks! 🙂

  15. Kimberly Cioch says:

    Bought my tortilla press and I’m ready to go! But…I don’t have a food processor. I have a Ninja (blender basically). Do you think it’ll work? BTW – LOVE YOUR RECIPES.

    • Paola says:

      Hi Kimberly! So happy you’re enjoying!! 🙂 I actually just filmed a video today of how you can do them even by hand (with a little extra arm strength!). Otherwise do you have a handheld mixer? That would work great too! I think it would just get stuck in your ninja tbh.

      You just want to incorporate the ingredients very well in the order stated. Granted, it is much quicker in a food processor but works great also without. xo and awesome that you got a tortilla press, SO much easier to roll out!

      • Laurie says:

        I just used my ninja with the food processor attachment (which Ninja says is used for mixing and kneading dough). I had to use a spoon to scrape the dough out at the end, but it came out fairly clean with little left behind in the unit. So, yes, I think you can use Ninja but since the attachment for food processing is fairly large, you will have to dig down and remove the dough. I hope mine cook well. First time trying this. I’m a severe Celiac and nearly died from the disease going undiagnosed. If I can have tortillas again, I will be in heaven (figuratively) :)!

    • Angelina says:

      5 stars
      Kimberly, I have been making a double batch of these in my ninja using the dough blade (or even the regular one) and they turn out perfect. Sometimes I need to add an extra 1/2 tsp of water at the last step but other than that I do exactly as the recipe states. These are life!

  16. Karin says:

    5 stars
    Thank you soooo much for great recipe!!!!
    Having tried several recipes with too much egg I was still looking for something that feels like „the real thing“ and this is definitely it! Just made them for the first time with a rolling pin and they are relatively small but have a perfect texture! I think I‘ll get a tortilla press.
    Can’t express how grateful I am!!!

    • Paola says:

      So happy you enjoyed them Karin! And a tortilla press is DEF a good investment if you’ll be making these regularly! Much faster, can get them thinner, and they’ll be round 😉 xo and thank you for your lovely comment!

  17. Ari says:

    Hey! This recipe looks great and I can’t wait to try it!! I was wondering if it would work for something baked, like taquitos or enchiladas?

    • Paola says:

      Hi Ari! Check out the recipe for flautas. And they can indeed be used for enchiladas! There’s also a section in the recipes page with a few ideas of what you can make with the dough (not just the tortillas). xo!

  18. Melody Harris says:

    Can these be used to make enchiladas? My mom has an awesome enchilada recipe but uses store bought flour tortillas. She said she’d make some for us if we supply the tortillas. After she rolls the filling in the tortillas, she lines them all up in a 9×13 and covers them with her homemade tomato sauce & cheese & bakes them. When we eat them we put fresh lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, & more cheese on top. They are delish. I want to try with ur tortillas.

    • Paola says:

      Hi Melody! I’m sorry to have missed your comment…! Might be too late, but these do indeed work great for enchiladas xo!

  19. Marie says:

    5 stars
    You guys are geniuses! Just made these today and they are amazing! Lunch was a quesadilla and then a butter-cinnamon roll-up, but I can imagine so many more uses. I put the dough in a quart-size ziplock freezer bag to knead, and shaped it into a log for chilling. I chilled it overnight, then sliced the log into 8 portions. I found it difficult to peel the raw dough off the bottom layer of parchment, so I just flipped the whole thing upside-down into the hot skillet and peeled the tortilla off after a few seconds, when it was beginning to stiffen more.

    • Paola says:

      Hi Marie! I’m sorry to have missed your comment…! Reading your comment I’m thinking that the dough may have been too wet? They’re quite sturdy. Otherwise so happy you enjoyed (ps check out the section for the keto dough in the recipe page for more ideas!) xo

  20. Ellen says:

    Another fab recipe. Made these today, act two batches but just cooked up one and they were perfect. Held toether very well, good mouthfeel/ chew and looked great. The other batch I am gonna try half fried n baked half just baked nacho chips tp go with a chili tomorrow. Will do spicy and cheesy. Much better then a lot of the quasi bread recipes I have tried kately.

  21. MamaCat says:

    I thought I would leave a comment for those wanting to know about substitutions. I subbed the almond with sunflower seed flower and the coconut with flaxseed flour. It is important to let the dough rest, because it becomes easier to work with.
    With the subs, they still taste amazing, but they are not pliable. I rolled out 16 little ones because it was too hard to work with bigger. I cooked it on a skillet brushed with butter.
    Thank you for the lovely recipe. I can see these as chips.

  22. Heidi says:


    I was wondering if you ever tried these with 1 teaspoon instead of two of the xanthan gum?

    Trying to cut down on tummy troubles.

    Thank you!

    • Paola says:

      Hi Heidi! Yes and they are more fragile but they also work quite well. Just keep in mind that xanthan gum doesn’t cause tummy trouble normally, so you could be having an averse reaction (like any food, some peeps are simply allergic or intolerant to it). xo

  23. Sophie says:

    5 stars
    This recipe and new tortilla press have improved—no—TRANSFORMED our family dinners. “Thank you” seems inadequate, but thanks. And also thanks for the Ricotta Gnocchi recipe. Now we don’t have to eat Keto meatballs alone. I eagerly look forward to making your ravioli recipe. Yours are the best Keto recipes I have found. Thank you!

  24. Ronnie T. says:

    I can’t find coconut four to save my life. Traveled 100 miles round trip today. Is there an alternative or can I adjust recipe to compensate? I need a tortilla fix!

      • Ronnie T. says:

        Thanks for the quick response. I guess that’s my only alternative. Unfortunetly, I was looking for forward to making these tomorrow. Thanks for the recipes. New to Keto, so looking forward to trying them out!

        • Paola says:

          The thing is that if you make them with all almond they just come out hard, not pliable at all…. I cannot tell you the permutations I’ve tried but you honestly do need the coconut flour 🙁 Hope you enjoy them eventually! xo

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